• This classified was updated more than 1 year ago.

Amazing Corgi Puppies


We are kennel "Canis Ignis" from Ukraine. Currently, we have 5 corgi puppies (4 males and a female), born on 12.10.2023. Of course, they are all healthy and well-grown, according to their age fully vaccinated. Their father is the International Champion of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Hungary, Lithuania, and Latin Winner. We can send you all the documents of our puppies and their parents with photos. Moreover, we can provide worldwide delivery.

Father Laif Spring Incredible, his pedigree - https//www.pedigreedatabase.com/pembroke_welsh_corgi/dog.html?id3207900-laif-spring-incredible?_v20221219063513

Mother Barabaka Haus Dando, her pedigree - https//www.pedigreedatabase.com/pembroke_welsh_corgi/dog.html?id3228197-barabaka-haus-dando?_v20230324044212

Category: Puppies for sale
Pedigree certificate: With certificate of origin
Breed: Welsh Corgi Pembroke (039)
Gender: Male, Female
Birthdate: 12.10.2023
Price: 1000 EUR


Contact person: DARIA LATTI
Phone: +380971640233
Website: https://www.instagram.com/barbie_corgi/
Place: Rivne, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine
Country: Ukraine

Rivne, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine

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