• This classified was updated more than 1 year ago.

Cirneco dell'Etna puppy


Kennel "WildLife Magic" sell cirneco dell'Etna puppies. from parents with pedigree.
Rare and amazing ancient breed that is so tender from one side (at home) and so active and full of hunting qualities when outside. Easy to deal with, easy to train while agility, coursing and so pleasant to have this smart beauty at home. Cirneci are amazing.
Puppies have good health, excellents exterior and amazing temperament, a unique personality, are suitable for active people.
The puppies is offered to the family with some show plans for future and hearts full of love and care in . Puppy will be vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. delivery is possible after 10/03/2020 when the carantive from the last vaccination is passed.
Shipping is possible by the all over the Europe

Any more info, please feel free to contact me!

Category: Puppies for sale
Pedigree certificate: With certificate of origin
Breed: Cirneco dell Etna (199)
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 12.11.2019
Price: 1200 EUR

Video: https://youtu.be/2-_8hURSWgk


Contact person: Yuliya
Phone: +380958882909
Social network: https://www.facebook.com/yuliya.pavlova.712
Place: Kiev, Kyiv City, Ukraine
Country: Ukraine

Kiev, Kyiv City, Ukraine

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