Show quality line komondor puppies with good character (born 31. March 2014, male and female available) with pedigree, after high quality health-tested parents (DKK and DLK 0/0, negative eye tests) with big success on exhibitions .
Mother: Diana Király Puszta (Bájos Fehér Kócos x Avar Király Puszta - Hungária Veterán Champion, World Veteran Winner)
Father: JCH Mátyás Király Udvari Jákó, imported from Hungary (Mátyás Király Udvari Vitéz x Mátyás Király Udvari Gyertyán)
Category: Puppies for sale
Pedigree certificate: With certificate of origin
Breed: Komondor (053)
Gender: Male, Female
Birthdate: 31.03.2014
Price: Suggest